All images courtesy the artists. Photographs: Albie Clark (Glasgow), Jean-Christophe Lett (Marseille)
Works presented in Glasgow:
Stéphanie Cherpin: Turquoise Boy, 2014, saw blade, wood, fabric, leather, string, paint, coating, 245 x 25cm; Sans titre (valise de Raoul), 2016, wood, tarmac, glass, adhesive tape, 45 x 60 x 17 cm.
Stéphanie Cherpin and Guillaume Condello: Untitled, 2016, 2 drawings, pencil and ink on paper, 29,7 x 21 cm.
Stéphanie Cherpin and Emilie Perotto: Sin-d, 2016, hoops, ax handle, swing rope, spit, salt stone, coating, dimensions vary; Mes creux sauvent tes pleins, 2016, bamboo furniture, bottles, mirrors, suede, adhesive tape, plaster, aluminium, coating, tarmac, wood, string, dimensions vary.
Helen de Main and James McLardy: Without Real Work There is No Real Leisure, 2016, oak, fabric, 200 x 200 cm.
Sandro Della Noce: Raoul Reynolds, 2016, ink on paper, 21 x 29,7 cm; Birth By The Feet, 2016, latex, steel, rope, wood, 280 x 150 x 150 cm.
Guillaume Gattier: Une réalité rugueuse à étreindre, 2014, chamotte stoneware, 170 cm high, diam. 38 cm.
Amandine Guruceaga: Untitled, 2016, charcoal and pencil on paper, 29,7 x 21 cm; Casque, 2016, steel, bronze, fabric, dyeing, ceramics, rope, dimensions vary; Blue Blood #1, 2016, lobster cage, metal, ceramics, fabric, 155 x 110 x 65 cm; Blue Blood #2, 2016, lobster cage, metal, ceramics, fabric, plaster, bronze, 173 x 130 x 65 cm
Benjamin Marianne: Secret Chief drawing, 2016, graphite on paper, 38 x 25,4 cm; Secret Chief, 2016, wood, metal, ceramics, 185 x 240 cm.
Douglas Morland: Untitled Film (c.1928-30), 2016, digital video transferred from 16 mm original, 8 minutes; Objects from Untitled Film (c.1928-30), 2016, mixed media, dimensions vary.
Philippe Murphy: Isometrics, 2016, stage for performance, wood, fabric, straw, vinyl, dimensions vary.
Bobby Niven: How do you two know each other?, 2016, mixed media, dimensions vary
Alys Owen: Untitled, 2016, 2 drawings, ink on paper, 29,7 x 21 cm; Ceci n’est pas un Arbre, 2016, resin, brass and oak, 200 x 60 x 60 cm.
Works presented in Marseille:
Stéphanie Cherpin: Turquoise Boy, 2014, saw blade, wood, fabric, leather, string, paint, coating, 245 x 25cm; Sans titre (valise de Raoul), 2016, wood, tarmac, glass, adhesive tape, 45 x 60 x 17 cm.
Stéphanie Cherpin and Guillaume Condello: Untitled, 2016, 2 drawings, pencil and ink on paper, 29,7 x 21 cm.
Stéphanie Cherpin and Emilie Perotto: Sin-d, 2016, hoops, ax handle, swing rope, spit, salt stone, coating, dimensions vary; Que je nettoie ses os de leur chair, d’un trait de langue !, 2016, steel, inner tube, shoes, render, painting, bones, dimensions vary.
Helen de Main: In the Shadow, 2016, stainless steel, Perspex, serigraphs, 200 x 60 x 60 cm ; Relation of Incidents, 2016, stainless steel, Perspex, serigraphs, 200 x 124 x 124 cm.
Helen de Main and James McLardy: Without Real Work There is No Real Leisure, 2016, oak, fabric, 200 x 200 cm.
Sandro Della Noce: Teepee, 2014, watercolor, 21 x 29,7cm; Sans titre (tabacco), 2014, black felt, colored pencils, 21 x 29,7 cm; Sans titre (paille), 2014, black felt, colored pencils, 21x29,7 cm; Hélicoptère, 2014, black felt, watercolour, 21 x 29,7 cm; Raoul Reynolds, 2016, chinese ink on paper, 21 x 29,7 cm; Birth By The Feet, 2016, latex, steel, rope, wood, 280 x 150 x 150 cm; Tan by Time, 2016, latex, wood, natural rope, dimensions vary.
Guillaume Gattier: Une réalité rugueuse à étreindre, 2014, chamotte stoneware, 170 cm high, diameter 38 cm ; Off the Grid, 2016, series of 8 photograms, framed 71 x 51 cm each.
Amandine Guruceaga: Untitled, 2016, charcoal and pencil on paper, 29,7 x 21 cm ; Casque, 2016, steel, bronze, fabric, dyeing, ceramics, rope, dimensions vary; Blue Blood #1, 2016, lobster cage, metal, ceramics, fabric, 155 x 110 x 65 cm; Blue Blood #2, 2016, lobster cage, metal, ceramics, fabric, plaster, bronze, 173 x 130 x 65 cm; It used to be a cube, 2016, steel, fabric, dyeing, plaster, dimensions vary.
Benjamin Marianne: Secret Chief, 2016, metal, wood, ceramics, 185 x 240 cm; L’ascension du haut mal: Dante let it bring you down!, 2016, metal, wood, ceramics, glass, 250 x 130 x 130 cm.
James McLardy: Sulfur-lemon Teardrop, 2016, lacquer, paints on polished clear cast acrylic, aluminium, MDF, 75 x 67 x 26 cm ; Mutual Distance (Litmus), 2016, lacquer, paints on polished clear cast acrylic, aluminium, MDF, 75 x 70 x 43 cm; Take the Path You Haven’t Taken Before, 2013, wax, pigments, wood, 280 x 270 x 50 cm.
Douglas Morland: Untitled, 2016, series of 2 collages, newsprint paper, iron wire, approx. 29,7 x 21 cm; Untitled, 2016, series of 2 photographs, 29,7 x 21 cm; Untitled Film (c.1928-30), 2016, digital video transferred from 16 mm original, 8 minutes; Objects from Untitled Film (c.1928-30), 2016, mixed media, dimensions vary.
Philippe Murphy: Take the Chair, 2016, chair, straw, wood, 140 x 93 x 93 cm; The Spill, 2016, ladder, straw, wood, 180 x 148 (diam.) cm
Alys Owen: Untitled, 2016, series of 5 drawings, ink and gold foil on paper, 29,7 x 21 cm; Column 2, 2016, resin, wood, chain, 240 x 60 cm; Ceci n’est pas un Arbre, 2016, resin, brass and oak, 200 x 60 x 60 cm.
Emilie Perotto: mes creux sauvent tes pleins, 2016, plaster, wood, painting, 136 x 30 x 13 cm; son absence m’efface du monde, 2016, aluminium, wood, painting, 136 x 30 x 13 cm ; Raoul, 2016, aluminium, mirrors, wood, 100 x 130 x 130 cm